Welcome to my blog!

02 Mar 2018


This is my first ever introduction to making a Github website via Github Pages (first time making a website for that matter), so this will be a long but fun learning process.

Hopefully, I can share both the ideas I have, as well as what I have learned throughout the projects I have done in the past and plan to do in the future. Speaking of, the three exciting things coming in the following weeks are:

  1. I will be finishing Andrew Ng’s Deep Learning Specialization. All that is left now are entering the Quizes, as I was auditing the courses, but overall this specialization has greatly improved my understanding of Deep Neural Networks, and I highly recommend it to anyone new in the area that is struggling (as I believe is the case for the majority of newcomers). Likewise, it has inspired me to pursue more projects (of which I will soon post the full list of ideas I’ve had during the course as well as before), but also to finish/polish the ones I have already started.

  2. Start 42’s Piscine mid-March, where I aim to gain a better understanding of coding as a whole, as well as recovering the discipline to self-learn. I will be uploading all that I code and learn during this month of intensive coding to my Github page, but will post here an executive summary of this exciting event. Hopefully I will be accepted to the full program after the Piscine is done!

  3. Attend the upcoming DIY Robocards meetup to both find inspiration by actually witnessing at what the open sourced community is actually doing, as well as to get tips on how to do build my own self-driving robocar when I return to Guatemala on April. There are several options for this, but the one I have chosen is the Donkey self-driving car.

I am new to the world of Deep Learning and Machine Learning in general, having just started in May of last year via my internship in the Computer Vision Center as a final project/thesis for my Master’s degree. I will expand more on this subject on a later post, but the experience has introduced me to the exciting and fascinating world of AI and Machine Learning.

See you soon!